Going to the movies: The Color Purple

„Everything want(s) to be loved. Us sing and dance and holler, just trying to be loved.“


On the first of May all upper level students set out to watch the second movie adaptaion of Alice Walker’s „The Color Purple“. Some came by car, some by bus and some braved the way to Klagenfurt’s Cinecity on foot to see this musical film about Miss Celie and her hardships in the first half of the 20th century. Born a black girl in Georgia, she does not only navigate the racial tensions, but also has to find her way and ultimately her voice in a male-dominated society, where – at least in some households – the role of slaves has been filled by women.

Students had an opportunity to come to know a little about that time period, to reflect on the domestic situations of men and women, to listen to a number of different musical genres and above all, enjoy a good variety of Southern accents.